Multisite – redirect from the main site - createIT

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    Multisite – redirect from the main site

    Multisite – redirect from the main site

    CHALLENGE: WordPress multisite root url should redirect to a subsite

    SOLUTION: add a wp action and wp_safe_redirect()

    Multisite WordPress setup allows to create a multilanguage website. You can set up CMS to have a language version path as a subdirectory, ex: , . But what will happen when trying to access a root site url The main blog multisite homepage will be displayed. We can use the main site as a default landing page / language switcher, or even use it as a separate language version. Another solution will be to redirect every request from the main blog → to the homepage of the sub-site.

    Redirect from the main blog

    Our multisite uses sub-directories configuration. Every language sub-blog uses 2 letter code as a root path. We decided to redirect traffic from the main blog to the EN version (blog_id = 2). That way, if somebody types a url of a raw domain, he will be redirected to the sub-blog.

    // functions.php
    // redirection for: →
    function redirect_from_main_blog()
        $blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
        if (is_home() || is_404()):
            if ($blog_id == 1 && !is_admin() && !defined('WP_CLI')) {
                $url = get_home_url(2); //redirect to EN site from base url
                echo $url;
                wp_safe_redirect($url, 301);
    add_action('wp', 'redirect_from_main_blog');

    Request Params conflicts

    Sometimes the main site root url is used by external integrations, like the Pardot Form. On form submission, the site redirects to the main url with response params added to the request. If wp_safe_redirect() is executed, we will lose data from the response. The solution will be to check if param is set and add a code exception.

    function redirect_from_main_blog() {
        $blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
            // pardot success redirection fix (HTTP_REFERER)
            return false;
            // pardot errorMsg redirection fix
            return false;

    That’s it for today’s tutorial. Make sure to follow us for more useful tips and guidelines.

    2 response
      • Hello,
        simple example of redirecting user on login:
        // Add to your theme’s functions.php file or a site-specific plugin

        function redirect_user_on_login($user_login, $user) {
            // Assuming you have a way to get the user's subsite ID or slug; this is just an example
            $user_subsite_id = get_user_meta($user->ID, 'subsite_id', true);
            if (!empty($user_subsite_id)) {
                // Get the subsite URL. This is a simplified example; adjust based on your actual setup
                $subsite_url = get_blogaddress_by_id($user_subsite_id);
                // Redirect to the subsite homepage
            // If no subsite is found, no redirection is performed, and the execution continues normally
        add_action('wp_login', 'redirect_user_on_login', 10, 2);

        If you would like to detect user subsites:

        function get_user_subsites($user_id) {
            $user_subsites = array();
            // Get all sites in the network
            $sites = get_sites();
            foreach ($sites as $site) {
                // Switch to each site context
                // Check if the user is a member of the current site
                if (is_user_member_of_blog($user_id)) {
                    // Optionally, store more detailed information about the site
                    $user_subsites[] = array(
                        'blog_id' => $site->blog_id,
                        'siteurl' => get_site_url(),
                // Restore original site context
            return $user_subsites;
        // Usage example (replace 'user_id' with the actual user ID you're checking)
        $user_id = 1; // Example user ID
        $user_subsites = get_user_subsites($user_id);

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